( ! ) Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 2097152) (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in C:\wamp64\www\wwwft\wp-includes\meta.php on line 1194 | ||||
Call Stack | ||||
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0001 | 362480 | {main}( ) | ...\index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0001 | 362760 | require( 'C:\wamp64\www\wwwft\wp-blog-header.php ) | ...\index.php:17 |
3 | 0.6067 | 9785672 | require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\wwwft\wp-includes\template-loader.php ) | ...\wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.6083 | 9787672 | include( 'C:\wamp64\www\wwwft\wp-content\themes\fintech\archive-clients.php ) | ...\template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.6083 | 9787672 | get_header( $name = ???, $args = ??? ) | ...\archive-clients.php:10 |
6 | 0.6083 | 9788048 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'header.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = TRUE, $args = [] ) | ...\general-template.php:48 |
7 | 0.6084 | 9788144 | load_template( $_template_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\wwwft/wp-content/themes/fintech/header.php', $load_once = TRUE, $args = [] ) | ...\template.php:745 |
8 | 0.6084 | 9788592 | require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\wwwft\wp-content\themes\fintech\header.php ) | ...\template.php:810 |
9 | 0.6991 | 11061144 | wp_nav_menu( $args = ['theme_location' => '', 'menu' => '24', 'container' => '', 'container_class' => '', 'container_id' => 'menu-menju-v-shapke', 'menu_class' => '', 'menu_id' => '', 'echo' => TRUE, 'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu', 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'link_before' => '', 'link_after' => '', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'depth' => 0, 'walker' => ''] ) | ...\header.php:80 |
10 | 0.6997 | 10877176 | wp_get_nav_menu_items( $menu = 24, $args = ['update_post_term_cache' => FALSE] ) | ...\nav-menu-template.php:151 |
11 | 0.6998 | 10880240 | get_posts( $args = ['order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'output' => 'ARRAY_A', 'output_key' => 'menu_order', 'nopaging' => TRUE, 'update_menu_item_cache' => TRUE, 'tax_query' => [0 => [...]], 'update_post_term_cache' => FALSE] ) | ...\nav-menu.php:737 |
12 | 0.6998 | 10882600 | WP_Query->query( $query = ['numberposts' => 5, 'category' => 0, 'orderby' => 'menu_order', 'order' => 'ASC', 'include' => [], 'exclude' => [], 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item', 'suppress_filters' => TRUE, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'output' => 'ARRAY_A', 'output_key' => 'menu_order', 'nopaging' => TRUE, 'update_menu_item_cache' => TRUE, 'tax_query' => [0 => [...]], 'update_post_term_cache' => FALSE, 'posts_per_page' => 5, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => TRUE, 'no_found_rows' => TRUE] ) | ...\post.php:2539 |
13 | 0.6998 | 10882600 | WP_Query->get_posts( ) | ...\class-wp-query.php:3852 |
14 | 0.7089 | 11269304 | update_menu_item_cache( $menu_items = ... ) | ...\class-wp-query.php:3588 |
15 | 0.7102 | 11271016 | _prime_post_caches( $ids = [0 => 6, 1 => 10, 2 => 2297, 3 => 8, 4 => 97, 5 => 66, 6 => 650, 7 => 987, 8 => 1286, 9 => 94, 10 => 63, 11 => 56, 12 => 57, 13 => 59, 14 => 2668, 15 => 2666, 16 => 2664, 17 => 2462, 18 => 1251, 19 => 1250, 20 => 1262, 21 => 2122], $update_term_cache = FALSE, $update_meta_cache = ??? ) | ...\nav-menu.php:802 |
16 | 0.7128 | 11194416 | update_postmeta_cache( $post_ids = [0 => 6, 1 => 10, 2 => 2297, 3 => 8, 4 => 97, 5 => 66, 6 => 650, 7 => 987, 8 => 1286, 9 => 94, 10 => 63, 11 => 56, 12 => 57, 13 => 59, 14 => 2668, 15 => 2666, 16 => 2664, 17 => 2462, 18 => 1251, 19 => 1250, 20 => 1262, 21 => 2122] ) | ...\post.php:7944 |
17 | 0.7128 | 11194416 | update_meta_cache( $meta_type = 'post', $object_ids = [0 => 6, 1 => 10, 2 => 2297, 3 => 8, 4 => 97, 5 => 66, 6 => 650, 7 => 987, 8 => 1286, 9 => 94, 10 => 63, 11 => 56, 12 => 57, 13 => 59, 14 => 2668, 15 => 2666, 16 => 2664, 17 => 2462, 18 => 1251, 19 => 1250, 20 => 1262, 21 => 2122] ) | ...\post.php:7557 |